Monday, October 29, 2007

The T-shirt

Today a T-shirt is cool. But just 60 years ago, it was not acceptable for people to wear T-shirt in public. T-shirts were underwear!


After World War I, the US soldiers
took their new undershirts home, and
by the 1930s companies like Hanes
were sellind "T-shirts" ( the name
came from the "T" shape ). T-shirts
were not expensive to produce,
but they were still considered
to be underwear.

I like this article becouse its funny!!

Junior High School in the USA

Junior High School in the USA

There are over 16.265 junior high schools
or middle schools in the USA, for kids
aged from about 11 to 14. Teenagers
aged from about 15 to 18 go to high schools.
In the USA, kids go to school from Monday
to Friday. School starts from 8 or 9 am and
finishes at 3 or 4 pm.

School holidays

Most American teenagers have about
12 weeks vacation! Ten weeks in the
summer, plus a week at Christmas, and
a weekk at Easter.
Some things are different in the USA.
But one thing is the same in schools
around the world: homework!

I like American schools.


Saturday, October 27, 2007




This crazy aquarium looks
like it's part of the toilet.
But it's not: the aquarium is
in front of the toilet tank.
So don't worry-when you
flush this toilet
you don't flush
the fish away!

I like this article becouse I think it's interesting goes to bathroom and see the fishes.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Justin Timberlake

A great singer,dancer and peformer, Justin is one of the world's hottest stars today.


He is a very hard worker.
He is happy working all night in the recording
sudio. "Since" I was a kid I've thought
that if you put more pressure on yourself
than what's neded you're going
to get something back.

Don't mind Justin becouse I don't listen to him.


Name :
Justin Randall Timberlake

Place of birth:
Memphis, Tennessee

Age: 26

Date of birth:
31 January 1981

Star sing: Pisces

Hobby: Playing golf

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



I love writie in the blog. And other article is:


If you like musicals
(like High School Musical) you'll
love this film.It tells the story of
what happens when "good girl"
Sandra(Olivia Newton-John) and
"bad boy" Dany( John Travolta)
fall in love. This film came out in 1978
-your parents probably watched it!

I think good article!

bye-bye!! kiss

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Magazine - I love Engilsh

My name is Silvia. This is my new blog. Its is very funny!

We are reading magazine. There is an article that talks about.


The brits are a nation
of beer drinkers.
But now a Cornish
farmer is giving
each of his cows up
to 40 pints of beer a day
to produce better meat.
He believes the ale helps
the flavour and texture
of the beef.

The article is very, very funny!